Thursday, October 20, 2005

Eirik Johnson

Eirik Johnson
check out that light.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Discover the Alpine Zebra at the Alibi Room

Painter Cait Willis has work at the Alibi Room, including one titled (to paraphrase) "Kevin and Yuki Discover the Alpine Zebra."
If that's not reason enough to go, I just don't know.

I couldn't find that image online, so here's a hand:

My new photo project: The Reader

This project is for my Nov. 3 - 27 show at SOIL's Backspace Gallery.
See the 'making of' blog at:

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I just bought a piece by Alice Tippit

We get to decide for ourselves: is that the sound it makes, or is it eating the rainbow?